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Eivind likes this

Because people seem to like being able to express that they like things, without the effort of actually writing a comment to that effect, I have now incorporated "Like". Please let me know if you like it, and also if you would like to see any changes. Unless that is too much effort.

-Tor Nordam
Eivind, Jørgen, Øyvind Jo, Ulf, Ole Petter likes this


Eivind,  26.10.10 23:37

Perfect! Although I would like to see this posted to my Facebook profile as well, not to mention having a Calcuttagutta page there.

Or perhaps I'm just making a point out of you not having a Facebook profile.

I like!

(Now, where's the 'Like' button for article comments?)
Tor,  26.10.10 23:39

There is no real reason we couldn't do the same to comments, flashforum posts or polls. But not tonight.
Tor,  27.10.10 10:05

Coding like functionality took me roughly one hour. However, I discovered afterwards that I could have accomplished much the same in about ten minutes with the pre-built Facebook Like button™, which would also give the Facebook integration some people want. The problem with that is of course that you can't like something unless you have a Facebook account. Still, I don't care much one way or another, so I would be willing to link to Facebook if that's what The People want.


Camilla,  27.10.10 11:02

Me no like.
Camilla,  27.10.10 11:26

I really dislike this. It seems pointless in that the sentiment expressed could just as easily, and with more interestingness, be expressed in words. If this results in less comments (from our already dismal numbers) because people feel they have expressed themselves once they have pushed a stupid button I will be severely miffed.

As Camilla clearly pointed out, we need a "dislike"-button as well.
Ulf,  27.10.10 14:59

Yes, I am.
Ole Petter,  27.10.10 16:31

Eivind,  27.10.10 17:07

Haha, yes, we definitely need "Dislike"!
Tor,  27.10.10 17:48

Interestingly, the not yet 24 hours since we got the like function has seen the highest rate of comments per hour for a while.


Jørgen,  27.10.10 22:40

If we could be rid of the obligatory eyesores as well, everything would be spiffy. I very much feel the same way about the titles as I do about writing in all-caps.

Tor,  27.10.10 22:49

A temporary solution is of course to just write a space as the title

Jørgen,  28.10.10 10:59

Ha! Is that possible? Wow.